Best Entry Level Jobs In A Down Economy

Where are all the jobs? Are there such things as best jobs? Where have they all gone? Some people are lucky enough to have them, while others have been looking for two years or more. Then, there are those who have simply given up altogether. This country is in the grips of a down economy that rivals the Great Depression that took place approximately 75 years ago. When we normally think of an entry level job, we think of someone just entering the work force for the first time; but there is a slightly different definition in our present employment environment. There are college graduates looking for their first “real” job, and there are “seasoned” workers looking to switch into different industries due to downsizing and layoffs. All of these workers are seeking the best entry level job.

Best Entry Level Jobs For College Grads

Based on the latest data from the U.S. Department of Labor, the best entry level jobs for college graduates are engineering, investment bankers, economists, management analysts, database administrators, registered nurses, landscape architects, pharmaceutical and insurance careers. The basic educational requirements for these careers range from associate degrees to bachelor degrees with emphasis in certain areas. The starting salaries for these careers are as low as $64,000 yearly to $120,000 yearly. The benefits for new college graduates in getting into entry level jobs is basically to acquire the all important “experience” in their chosen field of study for future advancement. Seasoned workers, on the other hand, have come to accept positions that have awkward hours and more flexible times.

Jobs For Experienced Workers

But do flexible jobs exist? For the “seasoned” workers, they have made themselves flexible, which has enabled them to seek jobs in new industries. Some of these top paying entry level jobs are sales representatives, registered nurses, crime scene cleaners, mail carriers, toll booth collectors, truck drivers, construction workers, embalmers, plumbers and garbage collectors. Many of these jobs may require no formal education, high school diploma/ GED or additional schooling and training. The salary range is from $20,000 to $60,000 yearly. The benefit of entry level jobs for experienced workers is being flexible enough to earn a living in a completely different industry.

The new, better educated college graduate may earn more for work in certain professions, but the experienced worker, at least, has a chance to make what could now be considered a decent salary in today‘s fragile economical environment.