When people go to college, they often times do not think about the fact that it may be difficult to find work once they graduate. With the idea of college almost becoming a necessity in today’s world, thousands of people are now obtaining higher education than might have in the past. This has flooded the market with college graduates that are all looking for jobs in their respective fields. Some majors fare better than others in the job market and this is creating a shift in what classes people take while in college. If finding a job after college is your goal, do not take the hardest majors to get a job.
Unable To Find Jobs As A Psychology Major
One field, that has seen high competition among graduates, is the psychology field. These graduates face a 19.5% unemployment rate, making them the most unemployable graduates of any group. This extends to many aspects of psychology, such as clinical psychology, educational psychology, and industrial and organizational psychology.
This unemployment outlook is made even worse due to the fact that psychology related degrees are the fifth most popular fields of study for students. This popularity will only continue to flood the job market with qualified graduates all seeking the same job.
Good Jobs In Medical Technology
The opposite end of this spectrum is graduates who have degrees in Medical Technology. These graduates only face a 1.4% unemployment rate when they begin looking for their first job in their career. The medical field has the most degree options with the lowest unemployment rate. Those seeking a degree in the medical field, will find that they have one of the best majors when it comes time to look for work.
Favorite Majors Among College Students
The number 1 college majors are in the business field. These include all degrees in business management and commerce. The unemployment rate among those graduates with a degree in business is 7.0%, which is moderately high compared to other degree fields.
When a student is deciding on a college major, they are often times more focused on their interests rather than on the employment rate 2, 4, 6, or even 8 or more years down the road. This is because many who start of on the college path either do not want to study something not interesting to them, or have hope that the job market will get better by the time they graduate. Although college is a great place to help explore your options and find your path, life after college is a road paved with reality and bills. So choose wisely. The trend is slowly shifting though, as students go into college considering what is marketable, rather than what they will enjoy.